This installment of Decoding Real Estate is all about how to set up home buyer expectations and curb buyer remorse in the current, shifting market.
Real estate coach and nationally syndicated columnist Bernice Ross joins the DRE crew to discuss different strategies on how to approach buyers and how to pre-communicate to them in this new, high interest rate market.
Bernice gives tips on in-depth buyer interviews and how to assess new home wants versus new home needs. She also offers other great ideas on communication preferences, how to prep first-timers on paperwork, disclosures and key transaction dates. And of course, reasons to provide buyers with RPR property reports.
This installment of Decoding Real Estate is all about how to set up home buyer expectations and curb buyer remorse in the current, shifting market.
Real estate coach and nationally syndicated columnist Bernice Ross joins the DRE crew to discuss different strategies on how to approach buyers and how to pre-communicate to them in this new, high interest rate market.
Bernice gives tips on in-depth buyer interviews and how to assess new home wants versus new home needs. She also offers other great ideas on communication preferences, how to prep first-timers on paperwork, disclosures and key transaction dates. And of course, reasons to provide buyers with RPR property reports.