Decoding Real Estate

Clarify Your Marketing Message w/ Kristin Spiotto

Reggie Nicolay & Genie Willett Season 1 Episode 4

Marketing message mastermind Kristin Spiotto reveals how the Storybrand approach to marketing can help agents simplify their communication, establish their USP (Unique Selling Proposition), find their “superpower” and become “The Guide” to their customers’ journey. All that, plus the seven questions you need to answer to be successful with your marketing outreach.  

Decoding Real Estate is hosted by Reggie Nicolay and Genie Willett. 

Reggie Nicolay  0:08  
Hello and welcome to Decoding Real Estate a podcast from Realtors Property Resource bringing you expert advice on topics critical to your real estate business. I'm host Reggie Nicolay. Joined by my co-host, Genie Willett, and we have a game-changing episode planned for you today,

Genie Willett  0:24  
We sure do! Today we're tackling the curse of confusion, head-on. It's no secret that today's consumer is busier and more distracted than ever. This means getting people to pay attention to your marketing is also increasingly becoming more and more difficult. And who better to take us on this journey than Kristen Spiotto, a Storybrand speaker and CEO of Decoded Strategies marketing agency. 

Reggie Nicolay  0:51  
Kristin believes when it comes to your marketing, you only get one shot to make that first impression. So you need to make it count with the right messaging that connects with your customers. And that's exactly what she taught us to do when we went through a private Storybrand workshop in early 2019 with our RPRs management team. I t was during that process, we learned through countless examples, marketers are packing too much into their messaging, and that is causing a disconnect with the consumer.

Genie Willett  1:19  
Yeah, for me learning how to position the consumer as the hero in our marketing was a real eye-opener. So often businesses missed this point, and they placed themselves in the hero position.

Reggie Nicolay  1:31  
Yes, they do. That concept still helps me each time I sit down to write or review new marketing copy. I immediately start to think about how we can invite the target audience into the story, and then zero in on what it is they want most. The other big takeaway for me was how helpful it was to have our management team go through the workshop together. We were able to get the team's buy-in, which was really key to helping us actually make the shift to a simpler marketing message.

Genie Willett  1:59  
Right team buy-in is so important. If we're all on different pages, it's not going to be easy to simplify. Which is really going to be today's focus, Kristen will share with us some of the key problems with today's marketing, and how the story brand framework can be used to filter your marketing message through.

Reggie Nicolay  2:16  
Exciting. Well, we've made you wait long enough. Let's go to our interview with Kristin Spiotto.

Hello, Kristin! Welcome to the show.

Kristin Spiotto  2:33  
Hello, nice to see you.

Reggie Nicolay  2:35  
Today's topic is a terrific fit for the real estate industry. It's highly competitive in most markets with limited inventory. So delivering a marketing message that connects with your audience is very important. Yet so much of today's marketing feels like it's misfiring. For me, the perfect example is postcard marketing in the real estate industry. I'm pretty sure we all do this, you get the mail, you walk over to the recycling bin, and you look at each piece for a few seconds before tossing it away. But I noticed in the real estate space and probably other industries too. These postcards are just packed with too much content, multiple messages. And honestly, it feels a little confusing. I see agents leading with their production numbers, and it feels like they're all talking about how successful they are. You know, I don't feel like those tactics are really helping differentiate those agents because they're all saying they're the best. And I'm also not seeing the connection to my needs. So Kristin here's my first question based on those examples that I just shared. What's wrong with this approach?

Kristin Spiotto  3:37  
Well, I feel like a lot of that postcard marketing, which I have a stack of those by my door right now, they can often feel like a really bad date, which bad days are when someone is just talking about themselves showing off why they're so impressive. And they are just taking up all of the space in the room, as opposed to really good dates, where you are in a conversation with someone where they are interested in you. They are interested in what is important to you. And so with that analogy, I really think about that with our, with our marketing about how are we focusing on our customer, how we can make their life better, and really thinking about what is most important to them.

Reggie Nicolay  4:13  
Such a good point, that reminds me to ask questions. You know, I'm thinking of what I was taught using the date example. Don't talk about myself, get to know them, you know, figure out what's interesting. So great point.

Genie Willett  4:24  
I love that. But like in terms of, you know, kicking things off. I know you've talked about before your unique selling proposition. So that's probably obvious to some but for those that are stuck any advice on how to zero in on that particularly?

Kristin Spiotto  4:38  
Yeah, absolutely. And that really goes back similarly to your last question on what is wrong with that approach with, you know, the postcard marketing where people are just throwing in all of their stats and all of the things that they feel like are very impressive about them. And because a lot of those can start to run together and they all look very similar and they're hard to tell apart because people are just throwing away really, really similar content at us. So I think that really shifting that to that unique selling proposition, which is not just why am I impressive? Why am I a big deal? But more? What are the really unique, powerful things that I can do to help my customer and really thinking about that my customer, my client? Who are they? And what are my superpowers and helping them because we all have superpowers. So I really wanted, I'm looking for a real estate agent, I'm looking for someone whose superpowers align really, with what I need, and what's going to help me get what I want. So thinking about that unique selling proposition is really, really important. Identifying what are the things that make me a little bit different from the competition? What do I offer that can be a little bit unique or differentiated? And again, not just because it makes me impressive, but because it can help my customer in a really, really powerful and unique way.

Reggie Nicolay  5:49  
I love the superpowers comment, you know, what are my superpowers? I feel like that might be hard for some agents to actually figure out though, you know, they might just think of their core skill sets as being a generic real estate agent. I mean, do you have any strategies to help someone uncover, uncover something like that? Yeah...

Kristin Spiotto  6:05  
Absolutely. Well, the first thing before we can even begin to think about, you know, what are those superpowers is to really think about "who is my customer?" I think that I see a lot of mistakes that people make or like, well, I'll help anybody, I'll take on any claim because I need the business to a tough market. So the first thing that we want to do is really get that customer clear in our mind, and begin to think about what, what are the really important ways that I can help them? So what are the unique challenges that they have that I can actually really, really solve? So of course, there's a lot that you want to do really, really well. But I want you to really think about what are the problems that I solve for them, and not necessarily solving all the problems, but what are the problems that you really love solving, and then really dig deep into that and craft message messaging accordingly there.

Reggie Nicolay  6:52  
And so if you're a new agent, I guess you'd even look at aspirationally "Who do you want to work for?"... Right? If you don't maybe have past clients? It's like, what niche Do you feel? Okay? Makes a lot of sense.

Kristin Spiotto  7:02  
Yeah, yeah, well, and just a note on that niching takes courage. I know it does, especially when you're starting out. And when you're wanting to grow your business, because it's hard to like, it can be really scary to say, Okay, we really want to work with these kinds of people, not these kinds of people. But I am telling you, that is one of the most powerful things that you can do is really focus in your messaging with the customer that you really want to work with. People are going to be really, really attracted to that when you do that.

Reggie Nicolay  7:27  
Good Point. Because you're actually saying no to somebody if you're saying if you're focusing on it. Yeah,

Genie Willett  7:32  
That's like a terrifying prospect. I feel like for so many people, like, one missed business opportunity, maybe? No, yeah, but I love that because I feel like that parlays really well into how we met you in the first place is through the Storybrand framework. And I know particularly even at RPR we struggled with that we wanted to serve all REALTORS, we wanted to serve this whole community, and how did we dial in our message to make it, you know, unique and important for what we were doing? So can you give us a brief walkthrough of the story brand framework and talk about how it can be used as a filter or organizational tool for your specific marketing message?

Kristin Spiotto  8:13  
Yeah, absolutely. Well, I am obsessed with the Storybrand framework. So I am so excited to get to talk about it. So it is really a filter for messaging a way to orient your messaging that to differentiate yourself from the competition to the customers listen. So what we've done with Storybrand is really take the best principles of stories, you know, if you, if you watch movies, you're going to begin to see the same, the same formula again and again. And that's okay, we don't mind that. Because we love stories, everybody loves watching a great movie. So we've kind of taken that formula and then applied it to marketing. 

So really, the first thing that you want to do and that you see in any great movie is identify who is the hero of the story? Who is the main character? And so when we look at marketing, really, what that means is we are identifying that our customer is the hero of the story, the story is about them. And that's just going to be a huge, huge paradigm shift. Because a lot of times brands want to come in as the hero who's there to save the day. But really, we're all heroes in our own story. So really letting your customer sit in that role is going to really, really help a lot. 

So we want identify who's the customer? And then what do they want? What is the thing that they want that you can uniquely offer them? So do they want to find their forever home that they're going to raise their family? And do they want to find a good property as that's going to be a good investment? Do they need to handle a real estate transaction following a divorce, whatever that is, you really want to narrow into that. What does your customer want? So that's an important piece. 

But then the next piece in this framework is what is the problem that the hero has we always see this in the movie and again, if there is no problem in a story, there is no story. And so that's another really big missing piece that people miss out on when they're crafting their messaging is identifying what is the problem that they solve? What is the thing that that hero is bumping up against, that they cannot solve on their own. So once you've really articulated, okay, here's my, here's the hero of the story, here's what they want, here's the problem we solve. 

The next really exciting piece is that, you know, heroes can't solve their problem on their own. If they could, we would wonder how they got that problem in the first place. So the way that storytellers have dealt with this is by introducing a character called the guide. And so the guide is there to help the hero win the day. So think like Lord of the Rings, that's going to be Gandalf or Star Wars, it's going to be Yoda. Or if you're watching Finding Nemo, it's going to be Dory. There, you always see a guide who is there in the hero, I'm sorry, in the story, who is there to help the hero win the day. And so again, this is a huge paradigm shift, and a really exciting paradigm shift for a lot of brands, where we get to say, Okay, you're, you're not the hero, but you are the guide. And the guide, is the strongest character in the movie. They are the one who has been there, they walk this path, they have the expertise, and they know how to help the hero win. So a hero really recognizes their guide, when they have empathy. So they know what they're going through, and they care about them. And they have authority, which means they actually have the competence and the track record to help them solve that problem. So you really want to establish yourself as guide. 

And then it is the guides job to give the hero a plan, a simple, easy to follow plan that says, This is how easy this is going to be. First we're going to do this, then we're going to do this, and we're going to do this. So first, I'm going to listen to you and find out exactly what is your dream home look like, then I am going to comb through all of the available records and find only the only the properties that really fit your criteria. And three, I'm going to show you those properties, and we're gonna make a great choice. So whatever that looks like, but you just want to show them, it's going to be really easy to do business together. So I'm going to give you a plan. 

And then it is also the guy's job to call the hero to action. Heroes don't just bring an action on their own, they actually need to be invited to take action. So you call them to action, say this is what I want you to do. So tell them exactly what they need to do to do business with you. 

And then finally, and this right here is I think the most missed piece, and a lot of people's messaging is putting some stakes in this story. So a great story is one where we know that our hero has some negative consequences they're going to avoid, and they have a really happy ending that they can look forward to. So when we're using this framework, we want to say hey, with me, you're not going to have to worry about XY and Z, you're not gonna have to worry about this negative outcome. And instead, you can look forward to and then we paint a picture of the beautiful future they can look forward to. 

 So that's this framework, and it's really an orientation. And it's really like how do we answer those questions on, you know, who's my character? What do they want? What's the problem that we solve? How am I their guide? What's the plan? I'm giving them? How am I calling them to action? And then what are the success and failure that are in the story as well. And so we use this as a way, again, of really stepping out of that hero role, stepping into the guide role. And when we do our clients feel like they have finally found the help they're looking for.

Genie Willett  13:12  
That was such a huge shift for us here. I remember, kind of like the, you know, the light coming out for all of us, like, we're not the hero, and it just changed everything the way we did everything, you know, and it was so kind of refreshing like, Duh, of course, we're not the hero, like we're serving these people, they are the ones that are ultimately doing these transactions making these dreams come true. And how can we help them and it just shifted, I feel like now we run through that filter everytime we write an article everytime we, you know, create a new product, we're constantly now thinking not like how do we? How are we the most technologically advanced? How are we, you know, now we look at it through the lens of how are we helping our customers, our you know, how are we helping them achieve the goals that they need to achieve?

Reggie Nicolay  14:06  
And so true. And you know, for me, it was also finding the right spot for our authority. We had so much authority, it was like oozing from us though, it was too much. And we weren't right. And I think getting that in balance with our positioning as the guide it all together started to make sense, the  more we did, it wasn't easy. The first couple times it took practice. It's like a muscle, you know. Now, I want to get to an implementation question here because you just mentioned a whole lot of areas to focus on, and I feel like what bring, do you have something that brings that together, you know, into more of a plan or something you can use to kind of implement messaging. 

Kristin Spiotto  14:47  
Yeah, that's great. I love to take that into actual "Okay, now how can we use this? What can we do with it?" So the first thing that I and this is what I love to do with my clients, but as you guys have began to build this muscle you've been doing this as well. First thing that you can do is, is build what's called a brand script. So that is it's a project. But it doesn't have to be a massive project. But it is where you really systematically answer those questions. And of course, you know, there's templates for this, you can go to, and they have, you know, they have a brandscript there. But really what you need is a piece of paper, and you need to answer these seven questions. So I'm going to run through them. And I'm going to take a beat between each one.  

But the first question that you need to answer is, who is my customer? Who are they? Who is my ideal client? Who do I want to work with? Now, that doesn't mean that you don't work with other people, but in a perfect world? Who is my ideal client? And what do they want? What is the thing that they want? So you take a minute you answer that? 

Then you go through, and we're just going to go through their framework, and then we really think about the problem that they solve the problem that you solve. So what is the problem that they have is, are you really working with first time buyers, where they are daunted by the prospect of 50 pages of documents where they're going to make the biggest purchase their life and their right away? All of this? So are so is that the problem is that they are nervous about this huge, that's huge investment? Or is the problem they solve: they are going through a major crisis in their family, and they have to navigate a real estate deal in the midst of that. So really thinking about what is the problem they have? And of course, you may work with a variety of clients that have a lot of problems. So you want to think what is the big overall problem that I solve? So what is their problem? And just bonus, it's very, very helpful. You know, there's an external problem, let's say you really do work with people that are following a divorce. That's your niche. Okay, so the actual problem is they're going through divorce, you know, that just means that's just the face value thing that's happening. But a good next level thing to do is to identify their internal problem, which is how does that make them feel, because most brands sell to external problems, which is just like, hey, go through divorce, we're going to help you, you know, close this deal quickly. But most people pay money to solve internal problems, they pay money, because they are overwhelmed, they are sad, they are freaked out. And they don't want to feel that way anymore, they make a purchase to not have to feel that way. So a really great thing you can do when building your Brandscript is identify, Okay, what's just the external problem they're facing? But then how does it make them feel? So you answer those questions.

Then, and this is something you were talking about a second ago, you establish yourself as a guide. And the way you do that, and I mentioned this earlier, is with empathy, and authority. So empathy is making sure that all of your marketing, all of your messaging is weaving in statements like, hey, we know how challenging it can be to navigate real estate when you're going through a big family challenge. Or we know what a big deal your first home purchase is, like, really just empathize with what they're going through. Because that then creates a bond that gets them open to and willing to hear your authority. That's something Reggie you were just saying a second ago, like, where do we weave in our authority? And it's tricky, right? You know, how do I talk about myself, I have some great stats, I have some great success. And those are extremely important to share. But they're important to share in the right place. And so the thing I love about this framework, is it gives you a place to do that comfortably. Because once you share that empathy, now you have now they have ears to hear some of these success stacks and some of this stuff that you want to share testimonials. So this is where you begin to weave in that authority that you have, which you have worked hard for and you should absolutely deserve to share that. But just you want to do it in the right place. So that's how you establish novice guide. So what is my empathy? What is my authority, and you kind of just get these listed out, you're ready to pull them into your marketing? 

And then the next question and building your brandscript: "What is the plan I'm giving my customers?" What is this going to look like? So give them a simple three step plan to follow. This really eliminates a lot of the fog. Again, if I'm about to make my first home purchase, I know I'm about to be sent a DocuSign, where it's just gonna be like clicking to all the signature places, and I don't know what I'm signing, but it's $400,000... not in Southern California. You know, then I need to know that there is a plan that is going to relieve my anxiety. So what's the plan we're giving them? What's the call to action? So this is really important thing to think about those postcard mailers? A lot of times, it's just here's all the cool stuff about me, but what are you actually telling them to do? Do they need to call you do you need to schedule a consultation? Give them a clear call to action. So if you guys don't hear anything else on this, make sure that your postcard has a clear call to action. That's going to be the biggest bang for your buck... to call them to action. 

And then finally, what are the negative consequences we're helping them avoid? Make a list and then what is the success they can look forward to?  I'll just I'll just give you a hint on that when you're brainstorming your list of successes and failures. Try to paint really visual images with your words. So imagine waking up in your new house and pouring a cup of coffee and sitting on your porch and knowing that you made a great decision, and we're supported every step of the way. So really paint an image for them about what success and failure look like. And so then you have these categories of messaging that then you can implement, put it on your website, put it on that postcard mailer stand out from the competition, but you're not trying to every single time you come up with something, think, Okay, what do I say, Now, you already have your messaging figured out, it's just a matter of which parts of messaging Do you want to put where it just makes life much, much easier,

Reggie Nicolay  20:29  
That really resonated with me, I mean, the fact is, you do feel these days, like you're redoing a lot of your messaging for every medium, but when you do your brandscript, and you apply it to everything, it's very consistent. And I think that helps. And I love what you're saying about this, this making this document too, because at the end of the day, as a marketer, I've always brainstormed, you know, I used to do my, you put the topic and you'd write out your, your different ideas around it. And I feel like this is an evolution of that for my for marketing planning, and, and truly understanding where everything fits into the message is so important, even just that simple. 123. You know, I think I overlooked that for a long time, you know, just giving them the actual plan to move forward. Trying to simplify that and not seem like it's so complicated of really great tips. 

Kristin Spiotto  21:19  
Yeah, well, and with that, you know, a lot of times we think that the plan is so obvious, because we know our business so well. And we're like, Well, we know how this works. But just keep in mind that your customers are busy, they are overwhelmed. It is not obvious to them. So you know, we call that the curse of knowledge, which means you know, you in your knowledge with your industry, you're at a 10 and you have worked hard to get to that 10. So congratulations. That's the good news. But the bad news is your clients are making their purchasing decisions at about a 1 or a 2. So we have to figure out how to really simplify our message. So even though it feels really, really obvious to you, and that's an area of resistance, I get a lot we're like, well, this sounds so this sounds so obvious, like what's not obvious to your clients. So just be really, really simplified down and try to and this is a way to break out of that curse of knowledge. But even if it feels obvious to you, it's not necessarily obvious. 

Reggie Nicolay  22:10  
That's funny, even if it isn't a little obvious to I also go back to something else you said it's like keep it clear and easy and maybe obvious is good if it translates to something that's important to them and matches an internal problem. You know, I know we talked over people's heads a lot, we have a lot of acronyms. There's a lot of fancy words that we can throw out there. But the minute we started doing away with that, I feel like our marketing became so much, so much easier to relate with.

Kristin Spiotto  22:37  
Yeah, we call those acronyms, those insider terms, "bowling balls." And so really what that means is, you know, picture every time you give your customer, your prospect, a piece of information, you're handing them an eight pound bowling ball. And so you know, if you hand me one, I think I can handle that. But if you hand me another, I'm starting to get overwhelmed. And if you hand me a third and if there's an acronym or an insider term in their you are wrapping that third bowling ball and Vaseline, and then you're handing it to me. And at that point, I'm dropping all the bowling balls, I'm throwing the postcard in the mail in the trash, I am turning off, you know, turning off the ad because I've dropped all of these bowling balls. So I love that term, because we can begin to flag those for each other and be like, okay, that turns a little bowling ball ask how do we simplify it to a more clear, you know, clear phrase, and it's gonna really help with with prospects as well that.

Genie Willett  23:27  
That's so funny. I mean, I feel like what we've learned so much, too, is sometimes simplifying things is the hardest thing to do. It's very easy to overcomplicate your message, we want to shove all the information out and to like, come back and figure out, like to disseminate it to this level where it's simple and easy to ingest is actually a lot more difficult than it sounds. 

Kristin Spiotto  23:55  

Genie Willett  23:56  
So I know when we when we first started this story brand framework, we definitely got a lot of feedback and excuses as to you know why this wouldn't work or, you know, how it would be so difficult. So what are some of the common excuses that you hear? 

Kristin Spiotto  24:10  
Yeah, good question. So, I mean, the first I would say the first excuse, or the first, you know, resistance that I get often is people don't want to dumb down their message, they're nervous about watering it down. If it's simple, then that means you're not going to be impressive. And so the that's the first big shift that I want to make is like we're not talking about dumb. When we say we're simplifying and clarify your message. We're not dumbing it down. But what we are doing is distilling it down and boiling it down to its most powerful and pure form. So that's the first piece, is, I don't want anyone to water down their message, but I want to spend some time to really boil it down to its most clear, clear form. But then sort of what you're referring to just now, it's actually not that it's not easy. It can be challenging, and it takes a little bit of time. And so a lot of people will hear about this framework, and they'll get so pumped up, and then they'll sit down and they'll just kind of get a little bit stuck. And so you know, there's a few things that you can do there, one really great thing that you can do is to do this as a group and not try to do it by yourself. And getting feedback on it, and getting different voices, especially if you have, you know, business partners you work with. So doing it together and putting a brand together. And also just inviting someone to help walk you through the process. So I'm a big believer, and having a facilitator walk you through this and having an outside perspective. So even I help people create brandscripts for a living. But my business partner and I, we bring in an external party to help us often when we get stuck in the weeds, we need to create a brandscript, and we're just too close to it for ourselves, we sometimes will bring in an outsider to just help ask us these questions, and really help us make these decisions together. So getting a third party is a really, really great thing to do as well.

Genie Willett  25:49  
And I was thinking too, about the framework of the brand script helps so much too, because once you identify your hero, and you think about their problem, you know, I think for us a lot of times it was removing ourselves from the new release that we had, that we were so excited about, and why isn't everyone else just as excited about this niche thing? Kind of hidden in our site, where it's like that's, you know, one cool feature, but that's not, that's not something that they care about, right? Like initially, like, that's not what's going to get them on the site. That's not their business. Yeah, that's our business, we can be excited about that.

Kristin Spiotto  26:33  
One other way to get at that too, because you know, if you have this new feature, or this new release, that you're really excited about, there's a good reason, that doesn't mean it's not awesome. But we often tell our clients and the people that we work with, to sell the benefits, not the features. So if you're in the weeds, and that happens often where you'll be working on a process like this, and you're like what, okay, we're just like so in it, or you see your customers eyes starting to glaze over, just a really quick hack, is to take a minute and think, okay, this feature I'm trying to talk about, or I'm really excited about? What's the benefit of it? How does it make someone's life better? Let's lead with that. So if you have a release, that you're so pumped about what is what is the actual benefit of this, and then we'll share that, and then we'll talk about the feature. So I would just say, always be pushing towards sell the benefits, not the features. And if and again, if you don't do anything else that I'm sharing with you, that's gonna make a huge, huge difference and help you elevate out of being stuck in those weeds that that are very common.

Reggie Nicolay  27:30  
And that's exactly what you taught us years ago. And that's what we've been doing. And to tie it into that we look at that for the benefit, we tie it into their internal problem. And you know, and I love it, you know, and it's, it does seem to resonate at a deeper level. Ah, it's not connecting well. So I'm imagining there's like, there's listeners that are engaged in this, they want to do more. But maybe it's a little overwhelming. I'm just wondering if you have any tips on just getting started here or, you know, anything we missed, maybe in this conversation so far that would help him get going?

Kristin Spiotto  28:04  
Yeah, yeah. Well, I would say don't let perfection be the enemy of really, really, really good. And so that's, that's a huge thing is people get hung up on: "Oh, my gosh, what if I miss the perfect words?" You know, what if what if we don't quite hit it. And we really, really believe that should be an iterative process. So you just get started. So the first thing that I want you to do, is to just start answering those questions that I listed out. And then begin to look at your marketing. I'm not saying you need to build a new website today, but begin to look at your marketing and begin to see are there some areas where I've slipped into the hero role, and where I can begin to make this about my customer. So I believe it's small, incremental changes. So first, getting clear by answering those seven questions is going to be a great. Take, take an hour, like you do not need to take like a day or multiple days to do this. You don't need to do a big, we can get away with all your staff, even though you could do that. And it'd be very beneficial. But don't let that be the blocker that keeps you from clarifying your message in this way. So I would say just start answering those questions. Begin looking at your marketing collateral, seeing where are some areas that we can weave this in and just begin to see the benefit, and then just begin rolling it out more and more. Think of this as a filter as a way of thinking, not a massive, massive project that you need to execute today advice.

Reggie Nicolay  29:20  
It's like iterate and improve versus feeling like you need to come out of the gate with perfection from moment one. I love that.

Genie Willett  29:26  
Yeah, yeah. Well, and for those that that do want those coaching plans are to follow up with you. How can they get in touch with you? How can they learn more?

Kristin Spiotto  29:35  
Yeah, absolutely. So you can email me, email me directly, which is Kristin at decoded. You can also visit my website which is decoded strategies calm so we keep it very, very simple. So if you just want to set up a call, we can just begin to talk about your business and see how you can how you can begin to implement this and see if you want any help. We're here to help

Reggie Nicolay  29:55  
We've got Decoded Strategies. We've got Decoding Real Estate. I mean, I don't like this.

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